主营产品: 轴承;电动车充电器;镍氢充电器;适配器;控制器;机械零部件...
Jeffva Technology Co., LTD
主营产品:speakerFounded in Oct 1996, Jeffva brings over 20 years acoustic engineer experiences to custom and serve global clients’ needs in OEM / ODM manufacturing services. Jeffva delivers high quality standards in acoustic design, localizing sources, production efficiency and excellent customer services on following manufacturing product categories. 1. Multimedia speaker 2. Audio speaker 3. Car speaker 4. PA speaker Our aim is to provide the best and achieve international business competitiveness. Facility size : 7,200 square meter Total employees : 400 Annual capacity : 36M output Certificate : ISO9000 / TS16949 Jeffva History Dec 1983 Wellhom Electronic established in Taipei, Taiwan; specialized in speakers for home theater systems Oct 1996 Wellhom Electronic established in Dong-Guan, China; manufacturing multimedia and audio speakers for famous world brands Nov 2000 Certified ISO 9000 Jan 2002 Established second speaker manufacture facility for domestic supply chain in China; named under Welltronic Electronic Oct 2003 Wellhom Electronic expanded and established Jeffva Technology in Dong-Guan, China; manufacturing speakers for global export market Dec 2004 Upgrading ISO 9000 to TS 16949
地址: Bai Hao Village, Hou Jie Town, Dong Guan City, Guang Dong Province,China
电话: 0086-769-85899376
传真: 0086-769-85899375
主营产品: MP3音乐播放器;SMT贴片加工;喇叭;多媒体音箱;交换机;路由器;...
主营产品: 代理五金机电产品;电动;手动;气动工具.发电机;消防产品;生产各种弹簧;金属加工件.;生产金钢石锯片;...
主营产品: 可调电阻;精密激光头弹片;电位器;DV34机芯;扬声器;模具制造;DV34激光头;DV34五金基板;...
主营产品: 交直流电流表;电压表;频率表;功率因数表;数字表;同步表;过载电流表;分流器;互感器;有、无功功率表;双金属电流表;交流参数稳压电源;...
主营产品: EMS;豆浆机;MP3;无线耳机;机顶盒;DVD;电热毯;电磁炉;无线话筒;报警器;...
主营产品: 便携式DVD充电方案;AA/AAA快速充电器充电方案;动力电池充电方案;电动车充电方案;手机电池充电);NOTEBOOK充电方案;电动工具充电方案等等;...
主营产品: 点胶机系列;流水线系列;商标打印机系列;铆接机系列;磁路吹吸机系列;在线测试室;胶枪系列;胶桶;...
主营产品: 电动机;水泵;发电机...
主营产品: PVC电子线;交链PE电子线;特氟龙电子线;硅橡胶电子线;SAE汽车专用电线;JYJ电机引接线;环保地铁用线;XLPVC电子线;硅橡胶编织电子线;3239高压电子线;硅橡胶电缆线;硅树脂玻璃纤维套管;特氟龙套管;硅橡胶套管;ULPVC套管;闭端子;束线带;VDE电子线;线束加工;JST连接器;...
主营产品: DESFINE迪斯专业音响;配套周边功放;KTV系统;...
主营产品: 手机喇叭;手机受话器;其他扬声器;其他受话器;...
主营产品: 锂电池保护IC;动力锂电池保护模块;锂电池充电器;镍氢电池充电器IC;电子秤方案;电磁炉方案;RF遥控模块;MCU控制方案提供;IC代理商;...
主营产品: 压电陶瓷蜂鸣片;扬声器;蜂鸣器;超声波传感器...
主营产品: 风力发电机;电机组;景观风车;风光互补系统;电动挂浆机...
主营产品: 滑板车;沙滩车;自行车;发电机;水泵;空压机;园林工具;指纹锁;...