主营产品: 热升华转印;丝网印刷;证件挂带;广告宣传挂带;手机绳;PVC证件套;PVC礼品袋;无纺布便利袋;标牌;塑胶制品;橡胶制品;五金制品;装饰礼盒;广告用品;...
主营产品:圣诞球盖;橡胶产品;铁线工艺制品;五金冲压件;塑料制品;金属制品;蜡烛台;蜡烛杯;配件;树叶;花;动物配件;铃铛;蜡烛盘;钥匙扣;合页;鸡眼;本厂恒域工艺五金制品厂,是一家专营生产圣诞节礼品所需要的配件,如各种规格、花纹、颜色的玻璃球金属盖、弹弓、橡胶盖、水球塞、铁架工艺及铁片树叶、烛杯等一系列产品配件,所生产的产品规格齐全,品种繁多.同时还生产和承接各类铁线工艺品,如风灯,酒架,圣诞节礼品等。质优款式新颖,价格合理。具有产销创作一条龙的能力。已同台资、港商艺品厂,贸易公司等保持长期的良好合作关系,欢迎各位商家E-MAII或来电洽谈。 The craft hardware factory of permanent land of our factory, is that one specializes in and produces the fittings that the gift needs of Christmas Day, for instance Such a series of product fittings as glass ball metal overlaying , catapult , rubber overlaying , water polo filling in , iron stand craft and iron plate leaves , candle cup of different specification , pattern , color ,etc., the products produced are complete in specifications , various in style. Still produce and accept all kinds of iron line handicrafts at the same time , for instance Wind light, wine shelf , gift ,etc. on Christmas Day. The style of fine quality is novel, the price is reasonable. There are production and marketing that create streamlined ability . Already and Taiwan investment, skill product factory of the businessman from Hong Kong, the trading company ,etc. keep long-term good cooperation, welcome every trade company E-MAII or the incoming telegram to negotiate .
地址: 中国广东佛山
电话: 86-0757-86611941 手机 013302812468#
传真: 86-0757-86605678
主营产品: 套刀;烤具;美容套;厨具;...
主营产品: 铁线;铁线制品;...
主营产品: 酒架;烛台;不锈钢制品;厨房设备;金属工艺品;铁艺;花架;杯架;挂钩;...
主营产品: 不锈钢杯子系列;汽车杯系列;...
主营产品: 圣诞球盖;橡胶产品;铁线工艺制品;五金冲压件;塑料制品;金属制品;蜡烛台;蜡烛杯;配件;树叶;花;动物配件;铃铛;蜡烛盘;钥匙扣;合页;鸡眼;...
主营产品: 旅游用品;行李车;购物车;金属制品;家具制品;五金电器;塑料制品;...
主营产品: 剪刀;刀具;小刀;烤具;花园工具;美容套;家居用品;餐具;...
主营产品: 圣诞节工艺品;复活节工艺品;万圣节工艺品;丰收节工艺品;节日礼品;工艺玩具;塑料玩具...
主营产品: 工艺礼品;婚庆礼品;金属工艺品;商务礼品;家居饰品;情人节礼品;树脂工艺品;镀金工艺品;...
主营产品: 微章;各种水晶;奖杯;襟章;礼品;金卡;五金工艺产品;...
主营产品: 金属奖杯;水晶奖杯;奖牌;等奖品;...
主营产品: 纸夹;花架;杂物架;手机架;饰品;花篮;耳饰;耳环;五金冲压件;杂志架;异型纸夹;杂物架;金属支架;铁艺制品;信息夹;卡片插;卡片夹;便条夹;记事夹;paper clips;...
主营产品: 非标准件;家具灯具配件;定制汽摩配件;圆螺帽;六角螺帽;盖型螺帽;滚花螺帽;C级方螺帽;...
主营产品: 相框;冰箱贴;锁匙扣;水球;开瓶器;点香器;摆(挂)饰;杯子;杯垫;花盆;徽章;工艺餐具;...
主营产品: 徽章;钥匙扣;开瓶器;透明胶盒;登山扣;波丽产品;各种模具;各种规格赠品织带;多种规格压克力匙扣;织带...