主营产品: 服装面料,里料,;箱包料;...
主营产品:化纤面料;棉锦;棉锦弹力;锦棉;提花锦棉;消光春亚纺;高密度春亚纺;提花塔丝绒;消光塔丝绒;全涤桃皮绒;锦涤桃皮绒;麂皮绒;消光尼丝纺;格子尼丝纺;我公司位于中国最大的化纤面料生产,出口基地——江苏盛泽,拥有自营进出口权,具有明显的配套优势和成本优势。 主要产品有桃皮绒,消光春亚纺,尼龙,塔丝绒及锦棉交织产品等,并可进行涂白,膜感,透气,抗菌,阻燃,防紫外线等后处理,产品主要销往法国,西班牙和美国。 公司本着诚信与质量的理念,希望能与有着市场优势的香港客户合作,共同达到双赢的格局。 Our company is located in the biggest producing and exporting base for chemical fibre material ------shengze,jiangsu.The company owns LanXiang jet-propelled weaving factory and HuDeLi silk neaten factory,meanwhile,we have the self-supporting import and export rights,which make us possess both the equipment and cost advantages.The main products as followsincluding peach skin,full dull pongee,nylon taffeta,nylon taslon,suede and nylon/cotton ,etc. we can also do these post- disposals, such as milk coating, membranous sensuous treat, ventilation, anti fungus, flam retardant ,anti ultraviolet radiation and so on. the products are mostly delivered to France , Spain and the USA.Our company holds the faith to be sincere and make our products own top-quality ,on the other hand, we are looking forward to cooperating with the HongKong clients as you are in order to reach the ambilateral success.
地址: 中国江苏苏州
电话: 86-0512-63521011 63521012
传真: 86-0512-63521017
主营产品: 头巾纱;水晶纱;雪纱;并纱;玻璃纱;奥康纱;条子纱...
主营产品: 纯棉;涤棉;涤粘;等系列染色服装面料及服装辅料...
主营产品: 供应春亚纺;尼丝纺;塔丝隆;牛津布;麂皮绒等新颖面料及里料;...
主营产品: 新针织用纱;针织布;棉布;拉劲布;泳布;防静电布;工业用布;棉双弹布;...
主营产品: 面料;服装;围巾;帽子;...
主营产品: 桑波缎;提花交织绸 ;双绉;领带绸...
主营产品: 弹力府绸;弹力交织布;锦棉绸;棉锦绸;纯棉弹力直贡;喷气面料;...
主营产品: 棉被;领带;围巾;服装;床上用品;...
主营产品: 化纤面料;化纤里料;服装面料;服装里料;...
主营产品: 春亚纺;涤塔夫;桃皮绒;塔丝隆;锦涤纺;锦棉绸;尼丝纺;花瑶.水洗绒;色丁;美丽绸等化纤织物;...
主营产品: 箱包、手袋;织带、绳类;丙纶长丝;窗帘带...
主营产品: 棉弹府直贡;麻及麻弹力;高支高密棉系列...
主营产品: 承接服饰印花;承接丝巾印花;承接工艺品印花;承接领带印花;生产真丝提花领带;纺真丝各档次领带;生产各类团队标记领带;...
主营产品: 各类丝绸面料;各类麻棉面料;各款丝绸围巾、头巾;丝绸方巾及披肩;真丝内衣;女式时装;家纺产品;...
主营产品: 织锦缎;窗帘布;沙发布;唐装面料;...