主营产品: 石材;大理石;花岗岩;花岗石;板材;成品;荒料;异型;拼花;圆柱;装修;装饰;装潢;家装;建筑;工程;南京;江苏;华东;进出口...
主营产品:石材G635我厂是专业采矿、加工安溪635# 石材厂。能满足您不同的需求。该厂长期与国内外大型外贸公司建立一条龙服务。拥有矿区多座,能长期提供高优产品,此产品适合于家居或各大型场所的装修能根据不同需要提供各种款产品的加工,价格合理。本厂真诚希望与有销售能力的需求商建立长期合作、代理。A Brief Introduction of Golden Gragon’s Stone Factory Golden Gragon’s Stone Factory was established in 1998. It lies in the TeiFei mountain of guanqiao town of anxi country of fujian province.Its production line adopt many slide of association disc saws is the domestic and comparatively advce one, and has disposed of finish machining more than 12 sets of eauiment .It set up and simplifies the strict quality testing mechanism.It has already prossessed the annual ability to produce more than 20000 square mater’s G635 stone material and more than 30000 square mater’s finish machining stone material. The ones that made Golden Dragon’s Stone Factory produce can meet the demands of each project to sample to produce. G635 is exploited from the stone deposit formed billions of year ago.It is with harden quality and bright colors ,and its particulayly structure results in its high blending’s strength,anti-pressure,wear-proof and corrosiveness-resisting,for these it is an ideal building,villas yards,graden and other constructions,It shows the effect of elegance and nobility, can create elegant building and nature,which meets the desire people to reture to nature.Golden Gragon’s Stone Factory posses three own mine .It is a professional manufactures G635 .Our factory has a solid reputation and our products are the best sellers both in china and in the world.We’ll always adhere to the principe of “I’ll treat you with my honesty and work hard with my heart to be based on creadit, with superior quality and high efficiency’s and cooperate sincerely and broadly with all clieats domestically and abroad.
地址: 中国福建泉州
电话: 86-0595-23087588 26399955 手机 013959731119#
传真: 86-0595-23038118
主营产品: 准分子激光治疗仪;钢材;石材;工艺品;服装加工;医疗器械;电脑配件;网路工程;...
主营产品: 汉白玉鹅卵石;石碑;石粉;石子;石柱;...
主营产品: 大理石;花岗石;壁炉;马赛克;人造石;石材工艺品;...
主营产品: 欧式装饰材料;GRC;FRP;砂岩;罗马柱;圆雕;浮雕;天花吊顶;喷水池;假山;窗套;门套等;...
主营产品: 地板展示架;金属丝网画;陶瓷加工;旋转展示架;金属画;自动旋转汽车展架;大理石展架;展厅设计;...
主营产品: 粘土砖;铝矿石;粘土;不定形耐火材料;高铝砖;高铝骨料;粘土细粉;捣打料;磷酸盐耐磨砖;蛭石. 类石墨;喷 补料;低气孔砖;耐 火泥;高炉炮泥;高铝细粉;...
主营产品: 板岩;花岗岩;大理石;马赛克;石英岩;生活用纸;速冻水果;速冻蔬菜;果酱 ;罐头;服装;毛巾;浴巾;精密铸钢件;铸铁件;金刚石锯片;贸易服务;进出口代理;...
主营产品: 天然板岩;砂岩;文化石;机制卵石;古典石;飞石;瓦板;...
主营产品: 臭氧发生器;亿水牌食;品;清;洗;机;洁;消毒;节水设置;人造石;人造型材;轻质人造石;隔断;...
主营产品: 米黄玉石材;米黄玉板材;米黄玉工艺品;松香玉;木纹玉;宫廷玉;海浪花;芙蓉红;英石、虎晶石;鹅卵石;机制鹅卵石;高档茶几;各种工艺品;...
主营产品: 8寸树脂;三角型磨具;磨料;T130磨具;金刚盘;马蹄型磨具;研磨刷;软磨片;长条型磨具;磨边块磨具;霸山蒂磨具;T140磨具;金刚石硬磨;8寸抛光王;三角型压制抛光;4、6、7、寸树脂;4、6、7抛光王;花岗岩;...
主营产品: 杨木多层板;桐杨混合多层板;杨木LVL;桐杨混合LVL;单板层积材;顺向合成板;LVB;LVS;捆包材;砂岩;集成材;地板;门框;窗框;...
主营产品: 各类建材;相关建材类;...
主营产品: 大理石;花岗岩成品销售;...
主营产品: 米黄玉;丹东绿;水晶白;黑白根;红奶油;广红;金香玉;青奶油;青红奶油;杭灰;灵壁黑;墨玉;铜黄;常规马赛克;马赛克拼花;马赛克线条;...