主营产品: 钩针衣;棒针衣;羊毛衫;帽子;围巾;手套;披肩...
主营产品:毛衫;针织鞋帽;外贸订单公司地处江苏省苏州地区常熟市新港工业园区,厂房占地面积6666平方米,建筑面积3000多平方米,针织横机250台,还有十多个具有一定规模的外协加工点,日生产能力为三千多件。本公司有专业生产针织类服装历史六年,有一批专业技术人员和管理人员及高素质的员工。公司注册资金为300万元。公司拥有从1.5,3针,5针,6针,7针,9针到12针多种针织横机及3.5 , 5.5针的提花横机,缝合机有80多台。本公司的宗旨是脚踏实地,不断进取。希望能和各兄弟单位竭诚合作,共同发展。 Located in the textiles production base of Changshu, Jiangsu Province, our company was established in 1998 to engage in the manufacturing of various knitted fabrics. Within 120 kilometers of the regional economic and communications center of Shanghai, we have convenient access to air and sea transportation services offered by this city. Therefore, we are able to ensure rapid delivery of all orders after buyers' confirmation and payment are received. A new-type knitting enterprise in our area, we specialize in outputting fabrics used for the production of high-grade garments. With a well-equipped factory, our workshops are fitted with a complete set of warp-knitting machinery. Using this, and other auxiliary apparatus, we are now outputting plush, KS fabrics, mesh, and dyed and printed textiles in numerous specifications. Having a total daily output volume exceeding 3,000 pieces, our products are being sold to clients throughout China and the southeast Asia market. Experiencing annual sales turnovers worth more than USD1,000,000, our main export region is now the southeast Asia. Furthermore, continually expanding our output capability and extending our product range, we are always seeking new importers, distributors and agents to cooperate with.
地址: 中国江苏常熟
电话: 86-0512-52630622 手机 13601550880#
传真: 86-0512-52630633
主营产品: 锦棉系列;涤棉系列;桃皮绒系列;纺织品的后整理;麂皮绒系列;春亚纺系列;N/R罗缎;T/R罗缎;锦纶四面弹力布系列;塔丝绒系列;...
主营产品: 晚装手套;色丁手套;蕾丝手套;婚纱手套;弹力手套;莱卡手套;婚礼手套;新娘头纱;亚光手套;摇粒绒三件套;羊毛呢手套;真丝手套;锦纶手套;尼龙手套;全棉手套;脚套;帽子;围巾;网眼手套;各种高档手套;...
主营产品: 帽子;太阳帽;运动帽;棒球帽;冬帽;渐染帽;童帽;晴纶帽;围巾;毛线帽;空顶帽;盆帽...
主营产品: 魔术手套;羊毛魔术手套;兔毛魔术手套;雪尼尔;仿羊毛魔术手套;仿兔毛魔术手套;儿童粘花手套;纯棉工作手套;混纺工作手套;点胶工作手套...
主营产品: 全棉勾针;尼龙网织;氨纶机织;筛网;棒针衣;三角头巾;披巾;帽子;围巾;手套...
主营产品: 领带衬布;油丝衬;羊毛衬;领带面料;化纤衬;棉衬;涤纶丝;...
主营产品: 水貂服装;水貂大衣;水貂皮;貉子皮;裘皮服装;裘皮服饰;裘皮大衣;皮毛服装;皮毛服饰;皮毛大衣;毛皮服装;毛皮服饰;毛皮大衣;兰狐皮;银狐皮;獭兔皮;草兔皮;...
主营产品: 帽子原料;各种成品帽;服装加工;电脑刺绣;...
主营产品: 精粗纺毛纺织品;复合面料;经编麂皮绒;纬编麂皮绒;羊羔绒;平剪绒;摇粒绒;羊绒面料;双面呢服装手工缝制;台球呢;...
主营产品: 各类经编围巾;针织围巾;帽子;手套;丝巾;各类花式巾;...
主营产品: 各种沙线;围巾.帽子.手套.套巾;...
主营产品: 滑雪手套;围巾;毛巾;毯子;运动鞋;...
主营产品: 手套;围巾;帽子;披肩;染色布;漂白布;工艺编织品;印花布;...
主营产品: 莱卡棉;全棉健身服;健美裤;沙滩裤;体操衣;罗马裤;午字裤;莱卡棉健身衣;莱卡棉裤;健身服;舞蹈衣;舞蹈;健身;体操;健美;...
主营产品: 蕾丝花边;服装面料;围巾;头巾;披肩;发网;花边;丝巾;...