主营产品: T-恤;运动套装;睡衣;家居休闲服;夹克;水洗套装;牛仔系列...
主营产品:服装布料;服装辅料;运动服装;休闲服装;睡袋;吉天制衣公司是一家大型服装生产贸易公司, 现有职工1,600人, 厂房面积15,000m2, 公司拥有现代化的生产设备和人性化的管理, 在2003年通过了NQA公司的ISO9001质量体系认证, 并在2004顺利通过了复核.公司的产品类别广泛,主要包括运动和休闲服装, 特别是专业的户外登山运动服装 压胶登山服,滑雪服,羽绒服...等.和众多国际著名品牌有过成功而愉快的合作.欢迎来我公司参观,洽谈.We are a experienced garment factory, especially for sportswear like Mountaineering, Snow sports, outdoor, football...concerning mainly woven items and cut&sewn knit items including taped garment, down garment, rainwear, fleece garment and also some casual lines like washed garment, some of jean wear ..., and doing business with some world famous brand like The North Face, Adidas,Salomon,Decathlon,esprit...we have 29 sewing line and 1,500 workers equipped modern facilities, yearly production capacity can reach 2,000,000pcs and also can do importation and exportation by ourselves, please refer to following our website for further info http//jitiansz.cn.alibaba.com Along with our fast development, want to do development and production with more and more clients, hope to start business with you if you also have interests to us.You are welcome to have a visit to our factory
地址: 中国广东深圳
电话: 86-0755-27169800 手机 13392162311#
传真: 86-0755-27169600
主营产品: 承接各类服饰加工;时装;运动装;休闲服装;制服;童装;...
主营产品: 皮具;皮带身;皮带扣(铜);不锈钢扣;...
主营产品: 针织纱线代理销售;针织用纱;针织衫;针织内衣;针织服装;产品开发;...
主营产品: 加工、销售;服装;服饰木制配件等;...
主营产品: 针织T恤;毛衣等针织服饰用品;生产各类外销出口针织服饰;...
主营产品: 纺织品;羊绒制品;家纺产品;服装;脱水水果;脱水蔬菜;...
主营产品: POLOT恤;文化衫;休闲装;...
主营产品: 羽绒被;羽绒服;运动服;其他羽绒制品...
主营产品: 外贸FOB单加工;贴牌加工;制服加工;团体工服度身订做;T恤;休闲服;西服;茄克;衬衫;工程服;酒店服;校服;...
主营产品: 茄克;女装;男装;衬衣;休闲装;制服;长裤;裙装;套装;...
主营产品: 中高档针织羊毛衫;外贸服装;针织服装;休闲服装;运动服装;成衣加工;职业装\校服;T恤\休闲装;风衣\茄克...
主营产品: 针织服饰;文化衫;广告衫;T恤衫;...
主营产品: 童装;男装;运动套;...
主营产品: 衬衫;T恤;童装...
主营产品: 服装;面料;服饰;...