主营产品: 布料;男;女装T恤;运动套;...
主营产品:梭织服装加工;羽绒服;防寒服;休闲系列;睡衣套;工装;苏州伊之秀服饰有限公司座落在江苏省苏州市相城太平工业园。本公司地理位置优越、交通便利苏嘉杭高速公路、沪宁高速公路近在咫尺;离直辖市上海仅一个小时的车程;周边各项配套设施齐全。 本公司拥有平车200多台、厂房3000多平米、技术熟练的工人200多人。 我们的产品主要以各类男女式样的羽绒服、运动装、休闲服、睡衣、工装、童装为主。当然,也可以根据顾客的要求来改良和优化我们的产品。到目前为止,本公司的产品已进入美国、欧洲、大洋洲、亚洲等广大地区。 Suzhou Yi Zhi Xiu Fashion Co.Ltd is a joint venture invested by Suzhou Yixiu Fashion Co. Ltd and a Hong Kong enterprise. The transportation is very convenient due to its location close to Su-Jia-Hang Express way and the neighborhood city Shanghai, only approximately 1 hour by car. The standard workshop of our company covers around 3200 square meters. With 200 flat wagons and 200 skilled staff of high education background, we can manufacture high-quality products to serve the need of international market. Up till now, we have successfully explored garment industry into US, EU, South Korea, Australia and exported a large volume of products to overseas. The motto of our company, “Good Cooperation on Basis of Mutual Benefit”, is highlighted to reach the utmost goal of our company “satisfying customers to obtain mutual development”.
地址: 中国江苏苏州
电话: 86-0512-65430581 手机 13328000513#
传真: 86-0512-65436098
主营产品: 羊毛衫加工;售塔线...
主营产品: 男女夹克,休闲上衣;男女棉衣、防寒服;童装;长短裤;...
主营产品: 毛衫印花;成衣染整;毛衫织造;手绘毛衫;印花衫...
主营产品: 针织;T恤;男装内衣;...
主营产品: 羽绒;羽绒制品;羽绒服;羽绒被;...
主营产品: 面料;女装;...
主营产品: 休闲服;羽绒服;夹克;棉衣;运动套装;衫衣;牛仔裤;T恤;牛仔系列;针织服装;...
主营产品: 皮毛领子;皮毛毛条;皮毛帽条;皮草领子;皮草饰边;皮毛袖口;毛球;裘皮围巾;裘皮服装服饰;...
主营产品: 牛仔布;牛仔服装;色织布;染色布;...
主营产品: 针织梭织出口服装;库存服装;海岛丝超微人造皮革...
主营产品: 横幅.旗帜;文化衫;...
主营产品: POLO;T恤衫;棒球帽;眼遮帽;渔夫帽;Button shirts;sweat shirts;sweat Pants;Regular Pants;Regular shorts;Jackets;...
主营产品: 针织品;工艺品;副食品;农副产品;货运;五金交电化工;日用百货;家具;糖烟酒;海运;...
主营产品: 户外运动服;羽绒服;...
主营产品: 针织面料;针织服装;针织内衣;针织体恤;...